With great confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ and His promise of eternal life that dispels all fear, we welcome you to join us as we Worship the Lord Jesus and grow together in discipleship in our parishes!
Our mission is to bring Jesus to the world and the world to Jesus!
Come, Holy Spirit!
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and the flesh was called Jesus and God so loved the world that he sent His Son Jesus among us so that we might not perish but have eternal life! Game changer. Mic drop. Total reset.
On this Christmas Eve (Day), I am releasing my Pastoral Letter which is entitled, The Dawn from on High Shall Break upon us: Healing, Hope and Joy in Jesus. In our personal life, family, parish and community where we live, we endure much hurt, despair and tribulation. I bring you good news of great joy, which will come to all people; for to you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Jesus is healing. Jesus is hope. Jesus is joy.
The Pastoral Letter captures the over fifty Listening sessions that were held throughout our diocese as together we discerned in the Holy Spirit of Jesus our next step in to Mission. It is really the Holy Spirit Who has inspired the mission and vision for all of us moving forward. Truly, the dawn from on high is breaking upon us!
I invite you to read the Pastoral Letter.
May the healing, hope and joy of the Christmas Christ be with you and your loved ones,
Bishop Daniel J. Felton Diocese of Duluth
. Pastoral Letter Pastoral Letter - Audio Version
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